On 1st July 2023, the cooperative movement will celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives under the theme “Cooperatives: partners for accelerated sustainable development”. United by the slogan Cooperatives for sustainable development, we will show how the cooperative way of working, inspired by the cooperative values and principles, has the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of its DNA.
In September 2023, the international community will mark the mid-point in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and seek ways to accelerate progress in the SGDs. It is thus a real key moment to show very clearly the contribution of cooperatives in spurring transformative and accelerated actions towards a more inclusive and resilient world by 2030.
Being one of the world’s oldest and largest business networks, the cooperative movement was the first group of enterprises worldwide to endorse the SDGS and be recognised as a partner in achieving these goals.
Check out the official event page here!