The Dream
of Cosyland

We dream for Cosyland to become a common virtual ground for all who wish to cooperate sincerely.

Scroll down to explore some of the elements we dream to realize in Cosyland, some of which is already in the making and some is still rather abstract.

The platform

At first sight, Cosyland is a platform where you can connect with communities and people who share a commitment to self-development and practice deeper awareness.

The platform supports you in finding coaches who can help your personal journey, as well as events and workshops to nurture your capacity for cooperating sincerely.

In the near future, the platform will also support organisations and companies in finding consultants and tools to help improve their cooperative practices and culture.

A real trust community

Cosyland is a place, where we can turn off defense and competition mode. This is why it feels so cosy.

To make sure that we can really trust everyone who is there, we created a process for arriving in Cosyland. It involves being part of a local community of people who work on themselves and their awareness.

For those who are not yet embedded in such communities, there are the Cosy Coaches: People who support you on your journey.

This way we make sure that everyone in Cosyland is a real person and capable of taking up our common responsibility to make everyone feel cosy in Cosyland :).

The Cosy Marketplace

Within Cosyland, there are many experiments. One of them is the Cosy Marketplace. It works a little different to normal marketplaces:

You can offer things for Cosycoins, our own internal currency. But you cannot buy anything for your Cosycoins.

Instead, you can share your needs. And then other people can use their Cosycoins to make you a gift according to your needs.

Likewise, you can use your Cosycoins to make a gift to others, simply by browsing through the needs that they have shared.

The key is that this practice of giving and receiving is not transactional. You make your gifts unconditionally and others are making gifts to you unconditionally.

The good thing is that Cosyland is a safe place, where we can just try out how this unconditional giving and receiving feels.

The basic income

Every human person who arrives in Cosyland starts receiving a basic income in Cosycoins. For this, we will cooperate with the Circles Project. You can spend these Cosycoins by making gifts on the Cosy Marketplace. And you can earn Cosycoins for offerings things or services and for making active contributions to Cosyland.

A Common Ground for Mindset Shifts

All in all, Cosyland is an open, common ground where we can find (and find out) what we need to unfold our cooperative human nature (Cosy stands for cooperating sincerely).

The landscapes of Cosyland are collectively shaped by the diversity of communities and organizations who join this common purpose.

A place where we can turn off defense mode

In Cosyland we share a wish to free ourselves from the pressures of “modern” societies. Instead of competing for status, money, likes etc., we cooperate to produce meaning, connections, and safe spaces for all who arrive.

By aiming to sincerely be ourselves – and at the same time respecting everyone else being themselves as well – we create protection from the pressures of distrust, judgement, and forced insincerity that we often face in our current societies.

Because we all contribute simply by daring to our drop defense mode, we can create spaces of trust and generosity.

Supporting transformation

Cosyland is designed to be a safe home for those who are aware and actively working on themselves. But of course it exists in a world where many people didn’t have much chance to do so.

It is the purpose of Cosyland to reach out to people who might be stuck in mindsets of competition and scarcity and offer them a ride. And to show them by example that it is just better to join communities who practice awareness and sincere cooperation.

Cosyland can become a powerful ground for transformative projects: By cooperating sincerely, we can contribute to turning all of planet Earth into a place, where we all can be at peace with ourselves and nature.

Anyone who is prepared to work on themselves is invited to invited to embark on the journey to Cosyland. It’s the only criteria.