Roots of Resilience

Roots of Resilience


30. November 2023 - 2. December 2023    
All Day


Trivandum, Kerala

Event Type

Map Unavailable

The Roots of Resilience conference explores the potential of platform co-ops in promoting feminist futures, climate justice, and sustainable agriculture.

Platform co-ops are democratically owned and governed digital platforms that provide a means for individuals and communities to cooperatively own and manage digital services. The conference aims to examine how these models can be leveraged to empower local collectives, self-help groups, producer organizations, worker collectives, etc.

Roots of Resilience is intended to be an inclusive and vibrant dialogic space where scholars, practitioners, and fellow travelers of the platform cooperativism movement reflect on new visions for a just and sustainable digital future, exploring new ways of working together, learning and unlearning, and contemplating cutting-edge institutional change. Participants can expect an in-depth peek into the exciting intersections between traditional community and cooperative institutions and new-age data cooperativism, focused on an alternative grammar of practice for the global South.

Check out the official event page here!

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